About Us
GreenSpirit is a network of people who practice loving our living planet. We stand in awe and wonder of our precious home. Our holistic vision brings together the rigour of science, the creativity of artistic expression and the wisdom of spiritual traditions. We share and celebrate our inner and outer life together locally and nationally. We welcome all who seek a shift in consciousness towards a loving connection with the Earth and all life.
• We recognise that all lifeforms live in relationship and contribute to our living planet
• We draw from science, which helps us to understand our part in the evolutionary journey of life
• We embrace mystery and paradox, taking inspiration from our voices and those of the artists, poets and mystics of all ages
• We celebrate diversity and creativity and we seek to redress the historic imbalance of masculine and feminine
• We welcome life in all its fullness, recognising that within us which we find difficult or wish to deny
• We develop celebrations which help us grow in connection with each other and all life and which honour the sacred nature of creation
• We encourage practical actions towards a more just, sustainable and beautiful community of life on our planet
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Click here for a webpage article giving a broader view of GreenSpirit’s version of green spirituality.
For a more in-depth overview, read the first title in our low-cost book series, What is Green Spirituality, or the larger anthology GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness, which the above article mentioned is from.
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GreenSpirit (formally the Association for Creation Spirituality) stands in a long tradition of “green spirituality” which embraces such figures as Hildegard of Bingen, Rumi, Meister Eckhart, Francis of Assisi, the Romantic poets and Teilhard de Chardin. Influenced initially by Matthew Fox’s “Creation-Centred Spirituality”, the name GreenSpirit was adopted in 1997 to reflect our broad appeal to those both within and beyond the Christian tradition. The vision of GreenSpirit is today inspired by leading-edge figures in the fields of religion, science and cosmology, such as cultural historian Thomas Berry, mathematical physicist Brian Swimme and social activist and “deep ecologist” Joanna Macy.
Click here for a more detailed history of GreenSpirit.
We have a nation-wide network of local groups and our membership is supported by an active Council and a paid administrator. You can find details of forthcoming events, resource pack, magazine and more on this website.
GreenSpirit is a UK registered charity. Membership is open to everyone. Click here for details of how to join and the many benefits of membership.
At our weekend annual gathering each year in the autumn, we hold our AGM where council members and officers are elected for the following year.
GreenSpirit runs national events and supports a network of local groups as well as publishing a regular magazine and eNewsletter. GreenSpirit also has a facebook group for members.
You can find out more about our Online Resources Pack, Book Reviews, and Publications by clicking on the links.
Current trustee members of the GreenSpirit Council.