And Also…
Find out more about the life of GreenSpirit here.
GreenSpirit Meditation YouTube Video
Produced by Stephen Wollaston (aka Santoshan) with support from Ian Mowll
Music, used with kind permission, from Journeys into a Gold Horizon by Rafael Szaban, with multiple musicians from around the world. Visit website for more details:
Facebook Page
You can find GreenSpirit on Facebook at
See our web-page about the GreenSpirit Members Facebook Group
Join and follow GreenSpirit on Instagram
Get Involved in GreenSpirit
Find out how you can get involved in helping GreenSpirit
YouTube Video about the GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness Book
Featuring the editor, Marian Van Eyk McCain
Video compilation by Tess Giles
Music by Kevin McCleod courtesy of
The book’s official GreenSpirit web-page with links for where to purchase
News & Reflections from GreenSpirits
For up-to-date and previous news about GreenSpirit (for monthly news, click eNewsletter in main menu or sign up for our newsletter).
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The Rising Water Project
This project looks at personal accounts of flooding due to turbulent weather. And personal accounts of downshifting which reduces carbon emissions. Find out more.
Deep Time Walk App
A History of the Living Earth
Deep Time Walk is a 4.6km walking audiobook for smartphones, telling the history of the living Earth. This unfolding takes you from 4,600 million years ago to the present day, with each metre walked representing 1 million years.
Events and Local GreenSpirit Groups
Find out about Events GreenSpirit is running, co-organising or will be attending.
Find out about local GreenSpirit Groups and Activities in your area.
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Members Area
Websites about Two Past Events
The Universe Story Event
Website of this event held in London in March 2015.
The Universe Story Experience
Some contributions to this event and more. This event was held in Hackney, London on 1st May 2009.
Green Action Toolkit & GreenSpirit Resources
Green Action Toolkit page, which includes a selection of practical and achievable things you can do to reduce your impact on planet Earth.
Miscellaneous assortment of helpful resources on the following topics: Science; Art and Creativity; the Ecocentric Worldview; Cosmology and Evolution; the GreenSpirit Lifestyle; and Green Spiritual Practice.