
GreenSpirit welcomes membership re-subscriptions from anywhere in the world.

Annual membership re-subscriptions are:

> £24 – full membership

> £12 – concessionary membership for those who live in the UK and could not otherwise afford to join

> £12 – internet (paperless) membership

You can renew your membership to GreenSpirit by online banking or cheque (see below) or online by credit/debit card using the links below.

If you live outside the UK, please re-join by going to this page.

There are three forms of membership re-subscription for anyone 16 or over:

Full Membership Re-Subscription

£24 per annum plus optional fees.

All of the advantages of membership including the GreenSpirit magazine and calendar: living with the seasons (which will be sent in the same format – post/email as the magazine). Re-subscribing online is via a donation here:


Concessionary Membership Re-Subscription

£12 per annum plus optional fees.

For those who live in the UK and could not otherwise afford to join. All of the advantages of membership including the GreenSpirit magazine and calendar: living with the seasons (which will be sent in the same format – post/email as the magazine). Re-subscribing online is via a donation here:


Internet Membership Re-Subscription

£12 per annum plus optional fees.

For anyone who wants to connect with GreenSpirit through the internet only (paperless) with all the advantages of membership including the GreenSpirit magazine and calendar: living with the seasons. All information such as the magazine, calendar and newsletters will be sent by email. Re-subscribing online is via a donation here:


GreenSpirit uses Enthuse for its online payments. Regular payments are by direct debit – the safe and easy way to pay. Enthuse uses a sign-in system which means that you do not have to re-enter all of your details next time. You can can amend or stop these payments at anytime by logging onto the Enthuse website. Alternatively, you can contact GreenSpirit who can stop your payments. Enthuse does not use your email address for marketing purposes or pass it onto anyone else. On your bank statement you will see ‘’ for your payment to GreenSpirit.

The legal name of GreenSpirit (as registered with the Charity Commission) is “The Association for Creation Spirituality” – registration number 1045532.

GreenSpirit does not share your personal data including email addresses with anyone without your permission. See our data protection policy. You can change your membership preferences at anytime.

Online Banking
If you want to pay by online banking (for either national or international payments) for a one-off payment or setup your own regular payments by direct debit and you are a member of GreenSpirit, send an email requesting the details to:

Drawn from a bank based in the UK. Please make your cheque payable to ‘GreenSpirit’ and post it to: GreenSpirit, 137 Ham Park Road, Forest Gate, London. E7 9LE. Please include your name and a way in which we can contact you (phone number, email address or postal address).

Photo copyright Danm12/