Publications Team
If you wish to contact our Publications Team, please contact the current chair Stephen Wollaston aka Santoshan via our contact form – click here.
STEPHEN WOLLASTON aka Santoshan – Current Chair, House Style Designer, Layout Artist and GreenSpirit Book Series Editor and Author
Stephen was given the name Santoshan (contentment), which he writes under, by an English swami in the mid-90s. He is a Psychosynthesis counsellor, OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation minister, professional graphic designer, writer, teacher and musician. He holds a BA honours degree in religious studies and a postgraduate certificate in religious education from King’s College London, trained in transpersonal counselling at the Psychosynthesis Trust and typographic design at the London College of Printing. In the late 70s he was the principal bass guitarist of one of London’s first punk rock bands, The Wasps. Additionally, he has helped war refugees and long-term unemployed students with English language skills and was an academic writing coordinator at a medical university in the Middle East for four years.
He has been a trustee of GreenSpirit since 2012, is the main typographic designer of GreenSpirit Magazine and the GreenSpirit Book Series, and has edited and contributed to titles in the Series. He began writing various green and interspiritual books in the early 90s when a long-time close friend, UK medium Glyn Edwards, asked him to collaborate on an extensive development manual with him and write on areas he is passionate about, particularly transpersonal growth. Since then, he has authored, coauthored and edited over a dozen books on different areas of Eastern and Western spirituality, including Spirituality Unveiled: Awakening to Creative Life, Rivers of Green Wisdom: Exploring Christian and Yogic Earth-Centred Spirituality, and Realms of Wondrous Gifts: Psychic, Mediumistic and Miraculous Powers in the Great Mystical and Wisdom Traditions, which objectively assesses different beliefs.
IAN MOWLL – Editor and Magazine’s Co-Layout Artist and Book Series Contributor
Ian Mowll is an editor, does the layout/art work for some of the magazines and is GreenSpirit’s Coordinator. His career started with computing in the financial markets, followed by charity/social enterprise work and now he is more and more involved in spiritual development.
Some of the things he loves to do are: playing his bass guitar, cooking, storytelling, 5Rhythms dancing and going to festivals. He lives in Stratford, East London.
Ian has been involved in GreenSpirit since 1999 and sees it as his spiritual home. He says: “Finding GreenSpirit was the first time I found somewhere where I truly felt I could be spiritually ‘me’ without having to pretend. When joining GreenSpirit, occasionally people use the phrase ‘welcome home’ – a phrase that feels good to me.” He is also involved with the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation and is an independent celebrant.
MARIAN VAN EYK McCAIN – Editor and GreenSpirit Book Series Author
Formerly a transpersonal psychotherapist/workshop leader/health educator with an MA in East-West Psychology, Marian officially ‘retired’ in 1996 to concentrate on her writing. She is the author of two books on women and ageing, two on downshifting/simple living, one on self-therapy, and two works of fiction. In 2010 she edited the anthology GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness, and has contributed, both as author and editor, to the GreenSpirit Book Series and GreenSpirit magazine. She was a columnist for ‘Crone’ Magazine and editor of the ‘Elderwoman Newsletter’. As well as writing essays and articles on a wide range of subjects, Marian also has a background as a blogger. She started an online social network for elderwomen and enjoyed interacting with network members from around the world. Her other interests are Permaculture, hiking, reading, word games and travel.
Marian lives in rural North Devon with her American partner Sky and spends part of each year in Europe and the USA. They have four children and eight grandchildren. She has been a member of GreenSpirit for many years.
JOAN ANGUS – Magazine’s Poetry Editor and Book Series Contributor
Joan Angus was brought up in Yorkshire at the foot of the Hambledon Hills, went to an Anglican Convent School, and worked as an Occupational Therapist mainly in Hampshire, where she raised her family. She is now a grandmother of four. A country girl at heart, her passions are her dog, wildlife, gardening, writing and sewing. She regularly practises Tai Chi and runs a local GreenSpirit group in the Solent area, meeting at the Celtic Festivals. Joan has researched her family history, and has written novels based on this.
She says: “I became hooked on GreenSpirit at the Leicester conference in 2004 where David Abram was the speaker. The movement and all it stands for fulfils my spiritual needs, and gives me the opportunity to be with like-minded people who speak my language.”
Joan served on GreenSpirit Council as Secretary for several years and helps to run GreenSpirit’s Annual Gatherings. In 2020 she compiled and released Anthology of Poems for GreenSpirits in the GreenSpirit Book Series.
PIERS WARREN – Team Member, and Vegan Recipes, Grow You Own, and Green Action Toolkit Writer
Piers is an author, conservationist, film-maker, activist, cook and veganic veg-grower living in the UK.